Have you ever put one of your dresses in the dryer when you weren't suppose to? Well sadly, I did this last week with one of my favorite white dresses. At first I was upset that I ruined one of my favorite dresses BUT THEN, an idea sparked into my head! I thought I should turn my dress into a shirt! I thought of this because when I put my dress in the dryer it did not shrink in size but just in length. Therefore, it was to short for a dress. BUT I realized if I hemmed the dress it would make a GREAT shirt. So, the next day I took my dress to get hemmed to become a shirt. It took a day or two to get back but when I got it back it was totally worth it!!!
So, if any of you make the same mistake that I did, turn your dress into a shirt! Trust me it is totally worth it and I am so glad that I didn't have to throw out my favorite white dress!