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First Week of College

The first week of college can be scary for any freshman. You are filled with so many mixed emotions. You want to make friends, want to fit in, don't want to be late to class, and maybe even a little homesick. TRUST ME you are not the only one that is feeling all of these emotions and more!

First off, I am going to talk about homesickness and how to deal with it. So many people are missing their family, pets, and home. You are not alone, so don't think for one moment that you are the only one. One way that I learned to deal with homesickness is go to the gym. Run, lift, do sit-ups, basically just go the gym. Another way to help is plan outings that aren't on campus. Go downtown, got to lunch, just explore your new home. Now, if your roommate is homesick don't freak out. Just be there for them and let them talk to you if they want that. Let them cry when they need to cry. Give them space and give them time. The best thing that you can do for them is plan outings with them but also give them their space when they want it.

Now onto classes! Something that I did before my first day of classes was, I grabbed my schedule and I walked to each and every one of my classes so I would know where they are all located and also so I wouldn't be late to my first day of classes! What freshman wants to be late?! Another tip is get involved and don't be shy. Soccer games are happening, for Belmont there was a 90's theme dance, and just introduce yourself to someone new every day.

One thing that is different in college is one being, even on the first day of class you will most likely have Homework. Don't panic just learn how to manage your time. The Biggest different for me is that not all of your teachers inform you if you have homework or not. You find out what your homework is by the syllabus (yes this is sadly still a thing in college). In college your homework is all planned out and in a schedule that is apart of the syllabus.

Another thing that you need yo get used to is how to manage your time. How to balance out your school work with your social life. I also found time for me to gym about once a day depending on homework. Managing your time is a hard thing to figure out. Honestly, I'm still trying to get my routine down. But even for me all these things take time.

Just learn to love your campus because it is your new home, make friends, and always call home because no matter how much you miss them, they will always miss you more!



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