Applying to college can be a stressful thing! However, it is also one of the most exciting things! Personally, I was a nervous wreck when I was applying because I was nervous I wasn't going to get into the college of my choice. I was so venous I ended up applying to eight colleges! However, look at me know! I got into the college of my choice and I was all worried for nothing!
College Visits |
College visits are a very important part in applying for college. You want to go visit as many colleges as you can so that you know where you want to apply to.
Common Application |
Filling out the common app my senior year is what made college 'real' for me. The most important part of the common app is the essay. When you write your essay make sure to have your own personality in it! My Mimi helps people write their common app essay for a living and the number one tip she gives to her students is write something original. She says that everyone can write about a mission trip, sports, etc. Therefore, you need to find s topic that is unique for you. I wrote about how my life is a dichotomy, and I then related it to the game cribbage.
Apply to More Than One College |
Even if you only have one collage in mind, still apply to more than one college. You are going to want options because what if you suddenly change your mind last minute. I have many friends that had their mind set on one college, but once they received all of their acceptance letters they changed their mind last minute and went to a different college.
Stay Calm |
I know this is easier said than done, but just stay calm because in the end everything will work out. I like to think that everything happens for a reason, and therefore, if its meant to be you will get in!
Get Excited |
College is so much fun, so get pumped! It can be scary at times especially if you chose a college that is far away, but trust me you will love it! I chose a college that is five hours away, and Nashville is now my second home.