I don't know about y'all, but ever since I was young I've wanted to be in a sorority. Luckily for me Belmont has Greek Life! The way...
A Freshman's Dorm Pt. 2
If you read my latest post, titled 'Just Simply My Week', you would know that my dorm flooded and I had to relocate to a new hall and get...
Just Simply My Week
Contrary to the title of this post my week was anything but simple. It started out fine just a lot of homework. Nothing new. However,...
90's Theme Dance
The first Friday of college Belmont decided to throw a 90's prom for the entire school. Personally I didn't own anything very 90's so my...
First Week of College
The first week of college can be scary for any freshman. You are filled with so many mixed emotions. You want to make friends, want to...